Where Are The Jobs In Your Field Located?

PNN Employment Tips - January 2013

Canada is a large country rich with resources and employment opportunities. You need to find out where the jobs in your area of expertise are. For example, if you are a naval architect, chances are Saskatchewan is not the place to be if you want to work in your profession. If you are in the oil and gas industry, Alberta is Canada's oil and gas industry capital.  Northern Ontario is one of the main Canadian geographical areas rich in minerals and mines if you are in the mining field. Here are some tips to help you find a job in your industry:

  • Asses your skills and competencies and decide what kind of jobs you can and like to do; you need to be focused on jobs that best match your expertise. You may ask your employment counselor to help you with this.
  • Research where your specific skills are highly sought; in which industry and in which geographical region, consult www.workingincanada.gc.ca. Consider re-locating and start applying for jobs in that area.
  • Start building your network by contacting companies in that area to find out what they're looking for and if they are hiring. You should contact employment agencies, friends, and family in that area, as well as do research on the community and other services they may have available to help you.
  • You may consider visiting the area for short period, but you need to make contacts and arrange meetings or visits with the companies you are targeting. You also will be able to explore life and work in that area and get a better understanding of how the industry operates and what the labour market needs are.
  • Improve your phone interview skills and prepare and rehearse your elevator pitch. If distance is an issue, companies will often first screen candidates over the phone. (Review our e-tips for the month of June, 2012)